Intro · Normal · Nightmare · Hell


Off we go ...

  Lvl 3 Den of Evil
You have to clear the hole Den of Evil - no way to avoid the exp.

  Lvl 4 Underground Passage
I started to run past most monsters in the early areas, but I had to kill some of the critters in the Underground Passage to avoid getting surrounded.

  Lvl 5 Andariel
The running went on (Stamina shrines/potions are your best friend ;), and the required killing is easy with Kalims Flail, despite the fact that AR is becoming a problem. Stats when facing Andariel:

Dmg 3-71
AR 269/Chances to hit 48%
Defence 197/to be hit 60%/to block 75%
Life 163
Resists 60/75/25/15

  Lvl 6 Hall of the Dead
I had to stop the running at some point. Got surrounded one time and nearly died ... But the monsters start to be more than 9 levels above UltraLow (hmm should have named him Yalla - see topic), so he gets only 5% of the exp. I changed to a Defiance Merc which boosted the Defence to 350+. A Blessed Aim Merc won't work at such a low level :(. And I started to use Thorns - by far more effective than lvl 1 Might in most situations :).

  Lvl 7 Arcaine Sanctuary
Of course I had to clear all the branches in the Arcaine Sanctuary. Getting to lvl 7 allowed me to use 2 Nagelrings witch boosted the AR from 269 to 332. Thanks to 60% fire resists UltraLow did not had to fear the Summoner :).

  Lvl 8 Flayer Dungeon
I never had tried to beat Duriel at such a low level, so this was a new experience to me. But I was shure it wouldn't be a problem with nearly 200 life and 75% cold resists. Of course the first charge knocked the merc out, and I had to drink 6 healing potions, but Thorns and a Combat Shrine I found on the way to the lair helped to get rid of the big bug.

To be able to collect all of Kalims bits and pieces I had to mule the Flail away. I equiped Berserkers Axe instead, which boosted the AR to 531 (chances to hit still below 50% tough). The Dessert Warrior kept dying, so I switched to a Cold Wizzard. Despite of his poor AI (i.e. first freezing the critters, then running away from them), it's a lot easier to keep him alive.

I finally was able to convert UltraLow to a Ranger after finding another chipped emerald which was the missing piece to get a 2 flawed emerald helmet (+8 dex). Equiped with the Arctic bow (and some +1 dex boots), the dmg went from up from 16-44 to a whopping 48-98 ! (Too bad I had not collected all the +3 str/dex charms with lvl 2 req I have found with my other chars - these are undoubtedly keepers from now on).

Witchdoctor Endugu was a bit freightening as UltraLow had only 15% fire resists/198 life when facing him. I might have switched to Berserker gear, but fighting him and his gang from the distance seemed more reasonable to me. The merc couldn't help at all, as he died instantly when comming too close to the inferno.

The Council was not too hard. Of course I lured them out one by one. They don't hit very hard - just standing toe to toe and let all the cold dmg from Arctic & Merc combined with Thorns do the job. Geleb Flamefinger kindly dropped a Gull :).

  Lvl 9 Durance of Hate
The Merc died several times, but resurrecting him at such low lvl is still cheap (735 Gold @ lvl 8). I used a shot and run tactic against Bremm Sparkfist, trying to avoid the nasty hydra attacks. Switching to Berserker gear might have been easier tough ...

The other two were easy compared to that. I did not had the nerv to test UltraLows durability against Meph - the boring but secure over the moat trick is the way to go. It required more than two minutes to kill him that way (chance to hit 38% AR 553, and the idiot refuses to stand still ;).

  Lvl 10 River of Flames
Izual was as lengthy as ever and required a pitstop at Jamella for healing potions, but no problem tough. Same with Hephasto.

Lvl 10 allowed me to use some grand dex charms and get rid of the +dex helm and boots. I felt much more comfortable with 60 fire resists after switching back to Berserkers Helm and Hsarus boots. UltraLow entered the Chaos Sanctuary with 277 life, 60/75/30/15 resists, 52-106 dmg, 580 AR.

  Lvl 11 Chaos Sanctuary
I cleared the whole CS with the Ranger setup. Of course I had to retreat several times, but as soon as the critters are isolated from each other, they are easy targets when frozen by the mercs attacks/cold dmg from Arctic.

Time to face Diablo - and back to Berserker gear again (+50 life). Having a shield can't hurt either (+10 vit = +30 life, max blocking). A +5 fire resists charm became available too. With 359 life and good resists UltraLow had no fear to stand close to Big D, more or less unable to deal a decent dmg through the weapon tough - Thorns have to help out again. It required more than five minutes and several visits at Jamella and Hadriel, but finally the quest was completed without any major incident.

  Lvl 12 Frigid Highland
Act 5 will give a lot more exp than before, and I have to avoid leveling to 20 before the Ancients. So running past the monsters is the way to go again, which isn't too much of a problems in the open areas. I spent one point in Blessed Aim to improve the AR a bit, ignoring the fact that it will be useless with Kuko later on. And lvl 12 allows to use the next major equipment upgrade: Angelic Wings & Halo (+95 life, +10 dex, +12 AR per lvl). Chances to hit are nearly 50% again ...

  Lvl 13 Crystalline Passage
Nothing worth to mention on the way to Anya. Oh one thing maybe: Abominable Boss/Champion packs are a pain for UltraLow. Not that they hit very hard, but the stun lock is a real problem. So the only way to beat Frozenstein is to shoot him over the river. And that needed a lot of arrows, as he is always CI.

  Lvl 14 Halls of Vaught
Nihlathak is easy when you are accompanied by a Cold Wizard. Let him freeze the targets, then shatter them - no corpses left for CE.

  Lvl 15 Ancients Path
Ok now visit the Ancients at lvl 15. The tactic is the same as with Diablo: switch to Berserker gear and Thorns. I dropped a bunch of healing potions and rejuvs on the summit before the battle (btw why is it called summit - obviously their is a higher peak behind the plateau). But this was not even necessary. 4 healing potions from the belt were enough. Even the merc managed to stay alive. Stupid Ancients - seems they have not collected any wisdom over the years - well they are Barbs after all ...

  Lvl 16 Baal
As you can't complete the Ancients quest below clvl 20, the gate to Worldstone Keep 1 didn't open after defeating them. I had to beg for the Worldstone Waypoint (this is easy if you can connect to bnet with a second pc :).

All of Baals minions were quite easy, except Lister. I had to seperate his minions and take them down one by one, which required a lot of retreats. I switched back to Berserker gear again for Lister himself (all others before had to taste arrows from the distance), which was the right setup for Baal too.

Baal was the toughest battle for UltraLow so far (hey that's my first char who can say that ;). One of the attacks takes away about half from the red bubble. And this battle will take quite a while as lvl 1 Thorns have to do most of the work, so just drinking a rejuv won't work in the long run. I had to drink a healing potion, run away hoping not to be hit by a second of his nasty attacks, and TP out for a cure. Whenever he spawned his double, I TPed out for a reset. And of course I resurrected the merc whenever necessary. So the whole battle lasted about five minutes, but saw UltraLow as the winner in the end.

Stamina potions are usefull


Flail her !


A major upgrade


Out of healing potions


Avoid the inferno !


Wow what a drop


Resurrection is affordable


Cheap trick


Fitof yawning


2 vs 1


No other option


Next upgrade


A perfect layout


Hmm blocklocked ?


No reward :-/


A new lvl 16 Destroyer