Lvl 45 Outer Steppes
Oh no not again - Viles in the Outer Steppes, and a boss pack too (Cursed
CI). They were a PITA in Nightmare, and are still not easy to fight in Hell.
The childs try to surround UltraLow all the time, and without any leech he
can't take too many hits. It required a lot of running to get rid of them.
Lvl 46 Plains of Despair
I tried Smite again on Izual, but gave up after a while because UltraLow
turned blue all the time. A run and shoot tactic seems to work better, and
four minutes later UltraLow got another two skill points he has no use for
right now. Let's save them for later.
Lvl 47 River of Flames
Let's carefully approach the Hellforge and see what surprise the game has to
me. Hmm nope - Hephasto is only Spectral hitting Extra strong CE combined
with conviction. Perforate him with Kuko. The quest presented me a IO. Might
be usefull for the runeword Black to get 40% Crushing Blow on a single
handed weapon - the highest possible.
Lvl 48 Chaos Sanctuary
Clearing the Chaos Sanctuary isn't too hard for any melee char, so UltraLow
did not have too much problems to do so. Only Lord de Seis and another two
Oblivion Knight bosses were a bit of a challenge. Proceed to Diablo. You'll
never guess how I killed him - with slvl 1 Smite and slvl 1 Thorns ! Hehe I
had tears in my eyes when I saw how good that worked :). The battle was over
in under 3 minutes, one pitstop at Jamella for healing potions included.
Oh no Viles again !

Nice try, Izual

Easy fight, ...

... nice reward

Hmm not poison immune ?

Half way through

Smite him ...

... to death
